Package de.rowa.posps.client.connection

Interface Summary
OperationInvocationListener Listener for additions to the list of operation invocations of a posps connection protocol.

Class Summary
ConnectionProtocol Protocol of the connection to a posps server.
OperationInvocation Log of an operation invocation on the posps server.
PospsConnection Connection to a posps server.
PospsProfileFormatter Formatting helper for a PospsProfile.
PospsSchema Methods for validating XML documents against the posps schema.
PospsServerInfo Container for the posps server description data available from the Posps port.
PospsServerInfoLoader Fetches the data from a posps server Posps port.
PospsServerProductFormatter Formatting helper for a PospsServerProduct.
PospsVersionFormatter Formatting helper for a PospsVersion.
ValidationMessage Message which was generated during the validation of an XML document.
ValidationResult Container for the messages which are generated during the validation of an XML document.

Enum Summary
ValidationMessage.Type Types of validation messages.

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